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Friday, May 18, 2012

Brightside Entry | Home, Safe, Fed, Bathed

It feels odd for me to blog about this because I am almost never happy to be at home--unless everyone isn't here. Not to say that I don't like my family, but just that I like being able to think. So I like typing alone, sleeping, reading when I'm home. If I want to socialize, I go out and hang with Keav or a couple of friends. But after today (quite the tiring day indeed), I am so happy to be home (wow, there really is a first time for everything). I was in Manila the whole day and the pollution really takes its toll on your well-being. Let me be explicit about how terrible it can be: I was so fucking tired. 

Let me put this into context--part of the reason I'm so tired is that Keav and I have had the most terrible misfortune throughout this entire day. For one thing, we were supposed to meet up at 1 pm but we ended up meeting late because the bus I was on took extra long to fill up. To make up for this, we decided to take a cab to where we were going instead of the train (partly because I was lazy, yes)--aaaaaand there's a traffic jam the size (density) of an iceberg. 135 pesos from Taft and we were only at Pedro Gil (hello again, PGH). So we got out at UN Avenue and decided to take the train. It was, needless to say, jampackedddddd. 

And once we got to where we were going--just as we were about to relax and have a drink of water, Keav realizes that his phone got nicked on the train. Of all things to lose, I think one's phone (next to le wallet, as any Lasallian would agree I'm sure, if it contains your wretched school ID) is the worst. I mean. That's your lifeline. And especially since Keav & I live across the city from each other--it's how we communicate a lot of the time. Thankfully, our dear friend Mr. Coppi Sayo decided to give Keav his extra phone for the meantime (thank you, thank you, thank you). Crazy. 

But yeah. I am now home, safe, fed (I cooked egg noodles before getting online) and scrubbed clean. So, yes. The Eagles were wrong. :)) I have learned, for now at least--to be still.

Goodnight, everyone! 
And thank you to everyone who's been joining the giveaways! Goodluck! :D
To those who haven't joined yet, you can check them out here and here. <3
I'll leave ya'll with this photo by Keav, from his cellphone (in memoriam). 

Magallanes Revisited by Chengly Keavin Mutuc

P.S. I swear to god, Keavin is the sweetest man alive. :) I just read his recently updated Deviant Art profile--so sweet. Well, whatever. I'll just post it on here because it makes me happy. :)

Keav Mutuc

Just a dude trying to get through college on nothing but his brain. Wondering how that'll turn out. Married to poetry. Has a one-way relationship with prose. In love with a woman. Cries like a man ought to. Lives in the metro of the Philippines. Born and raised as an asshole (thank you my miserable experiences. You have taught me valuable lessons). Listens to music that makes him dance. Not very fond of the whole hip-hop thing. Mostly jazz. Mostly metal. Mostly cocks on table tops and other awesome things. A kid who loves Nature. Would prefer to be barefoot. Hates the feel of shoes. Wears sandals to compromise. Would like to be a well-known artist one day, not because of his literary pieces, but for reviving the love for Art in the Philippines (and maybe the world). Needs to stop staying up all night. Addicted to Minecraft and Skyrim (God save me). Speaking of god, religion is dead, corrupted, empty. So is society. And other things. But that's another story. Let's get back to Keav. What else did we miss? Oh! He wants to learn how to cook awesome shanghai rolls so he could make a certain someone smile. Currently addicted to Slam poetry. Writes his own to pick-up this certain someone. Keav misses this certain someone so.



  1. GAHHH OMG THAT IS SO SWEEEEEEET inewihfw09he9w8nf80ewb0nf9wqbnuifbwebfuibebwf9uqbwib why are you guys so cute I'm crying :(((((((((((((((((((

    On a more verbally organised note, I'm really hoping you get to do that plan soon, the one we talked about last month/two months ago. ;) LDR is really hard but, I don't know, I look at you guys and I see that beyond-lovers-and-best-friends thing between you so I'm just really happy for you two and I believe it'll happen. Oh my glob so much looooooove

    1. Nuuu, don't cry! Hahaha :))

      I hope so too! And yeah, we find a way to make it work. Thank you so, so very much. :D About the sweetness: if I end up diabetic you know who to blame. xD

  2. GRAAAAHHH Kev's profile is so adorbs. :D

  3. Oh My god, I LOVE SKYRIM. Archery kill cams are the best. does he play dark souls? Miss you <3
    (I tend not to go out on Fridays anymore :p Manila makes me sick when it's all overpopulated) -christine

    1. I will ask him. :)) And I miss you too! Also, I know what you mean. I only go out to small gatherings--or if it's an event I really like. We should have an underpopulated catch-up thing soon. :*


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