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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Favorite Things | Old Photos

A friend of mine once asked me what this blog was all about and when I couldn't quite put my finger on it--not just fashion, not just lifestyle, not just whatever--Keav butt in and said that it was like an online scrapbook. And I think that's pretty accurate. It's kind of like keeping a diary except that you can share your experiences and insights with other people. :)

So, in the spirit of that--I'll post up a couple of photos that my childhood bestfriend Christine put up today. 

Photos courtesy of Christine Gojar 

 This photo was taken in fourth grade. We stayed over at our friend Gabbi's mansion (no kidding, it really was a mansion) and spent the days swimming and telling horror stories. At one point, I remember we were playing catch with the golf ball and it got sucked into the pool filter. "What happens now?" we asked Gabbi. And she looked at us with wide eyes and said, "I think the pool's going to explode." 

That's me, on the far left, if you're wondering.

When we were younger, we'd go to Caylabne Bay every year for our friend Christine's birthday (she's the cutie with her eyes closed). And this year was special or memorable because it was the year we hit an old man by accident--one minute we were singing (no kidding) "This old man, he played one, he played knick-knack on my thumb--" then bam! A man on his bicycle bounced right off of the windshield. 
And while Chris's parents brought the guy to the hospital, we stayed by the side of the road with a manghuhula (fortune teller) who told our fortunes. Very, very creepy stuff indeed.
That was also the last year we went to Caylabne, if I remember correctly. 

We've all gone our separate ways and see each other what, like once every year and a half? One of us lives in London, the other in Berkeley. And the people who do live in the Philippines are living up north now. Also, one of us recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. <3 Talk about the years just flying by. :D Here's to nostalgia!


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