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Friday, March 16, 2012

Living On A Prayer

In other parts of the world when people are bored, they go out and throw a ball around in an open field. In Taft, when people are bored, they lock themselves in a small cubicle and sing the fuck out on videoke. Damn right, son. 

Raph treated us to videoke earlier today. :)) Good times.

Joelle singing us some Alanis tunes

Cheers-ing with Keavin and Raph + Joelle's invisible beer

Love this photo. So expressive!

Raph is very angry hahaha


  1. HAHAHAHAHA OMG I was thinking of blogging our karaoke thing and entitle it "Living On A Prayer". And I thought, 'Naaah, Wina will probably blog about that. Plus she has pictures.'

    CHEERS TO INVISIBLE BEERS! I had fun. Sorry I couldn't stick around longer!

    I look funneh in the pics. I lahvet. XD

    1. Hahahaha :)))))) blog about it too! I'd love to hear about it from your POV. I dunno. I kind of love it when people write about the same event or whatever and they talk about things? Hahaha And yeah I had fun too! And it's no problem, I had to go soon after you left as well!


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