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Friday, March 16, 2012

No Rest For The Wicked

This is Keavin's favorite saying. And I believe that it is true--in one of his songs Jason Mraz said "I keep my life on a heavy rotation, the one that's lifting you up, up, up and away over to a table at the gratitude cafe" and I agree completely. It's a wonderful thing to get out there and be busy and do things with your life, even if it can get exhausting. :) Thank you to everyone who's been reading, I'm almost at 4,000 views. Crazy! 

Today was insanely hectic for me. I got to the Taft area around 10:30 am and met up with some of my dear friends who bought clothes from the store (hope you both are happy with your buys). After which I went with Lorri to one of my favorite thrift stores in the Manila area. :) We bonded in the taxi rides to and fro as well as while sifting through racks of clothing.

I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I bought myself a pair of platforms while we were there. Beautiful, beautiful shoes. Why can't I resist you? 

I also bought lots of beautiful things for the next collection that's going to be out on the WinaWonders Store next week, Wednesday (but more on that in a later post).

We had a pretty good lunch/afternoon hang out--Lorri finished revising her paper and we hung out with Trizha, Carlos and Keavin (no class for him, thanks to the transport strike) until I had to go to class. We stayed at Edeng's, my favorite carenderia (eatery) in the Taft area. Wonderful food, friendly service, and a very homey atomstphere.

Lorri revising whilst I obsess over shoes.

Coke. I was trying to "catch the deluge in a paper cup"--or in this case, glass. 

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