So after our Nuvali adventure, we drove to my place in Alabang and decided to have a nice evening outside. We set up the table and lawn chairs (comfiest chairs ever; if I have to inherit one thing from this house, let it be those chairs) in the garden, put the wine on ice and relaxed. It was pretty breezy here last night too, which I think further encouraged my obsession with eating and drinking outdoors.
We drank two bottles of wine--one California Red and one Sangria (Carlo Rossi, because we are cheap hahaha).
Because we don't see each other a lot anymore, it was very nice to get to catch up with everyone. I told them about what happened the other night at the LitAw awarding ceremony, and they told me about their recent escapades and misadventures--funny incidents, new acquaintances whilst looking for jobs.
Quality time indeed. The night ended (literally) at 12:00 am. Slightly buzzed, I called Keavin after freshening up and we talked until we fell asleep; I don't remember hanging up. Thank you, Globe for 50 minutes free call on both our ends! <33
Thank you to Joy Vidad for the photos. :) Follow her Tumblr site here.
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