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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Brightside Entry 28: San Mig Pub Hang Out! :D

Alright, so I've been pretty much MIA all weekend--but I assure you, there is a good reason for that. One of those things will be covered by this post. :) Today, I had one of the best Sundays of my life--Keavin decided to visit me in Alabang and JC decided to come visit Keavin in Alabang. After doing the groceries and about a million changes in plans (let's just say JC made two very tiring trips--from Cubao to Bicutan to Cubao to Alabang), we all finally ended up hanging out at San Mig Pub along with our good friend, Ina (who JC'd met for the first time--yay, friendship!).

It was wonderful having drinks and (very expensive but delicious) pulutan over good conversation. Tonight (and this whole weekend, actually) was a relief from the stressful banality of everyday life. And last week was a crazy busy week for me, so I was definitely glad for this break. We spent around three hours pigging out, listening to the boys sing, singing along to songs, watching Ina feed her Instagram addiction and talking about things like work and the differences between the North and South of Metro Manila (Keavin and JC are from San Juan and Cubao, respectively whereas Ina and I are both from Alabang).

Such a wonderful night spent with wonderful people. <33

This photograph somehow reminds me of Meredith Grey--"pick me, choose me, love me"--hahaha


Keavin being blinded by the light

The closest thing we have of a picture of JC--the two slices of pizza we saved for him hahaha

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