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Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday Adventures

Sundays are a bit of routine for me and my brother (Jo)--we wake up late, have lunch, do the groceries and eat out or watch a movie. We're on a mission to eat along all the places along Aguirre Avenue in BF Homes at least once--quite a challenge as we always end up eating at Le Souk (wonderful Mediterranean restaurant). This week we ate at Wings N' Things--such wonderful wings. The quesadillas were good too but very filling; I would not advise downing those alone. My brother ordered a burrito and he gave that an "it's ok"; he said that he still definitely stands by his "only order burritos at a texmex restaurant" rule.

I also ordered their NY Cheesecake ice cream for dessert and was surprised to find that they serve this differently in the BF branch than at the Nuvali branch. I prefer the mixed-up style of the Nuvali branch (also that had actual cheesecake bits in it) but the layered ice-cream-whipped cream-graham-blueberry was alright as well.

Photos from yesterday:

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