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Monday, February 27, 2012

Brightside Entry 18: Coffee with the Best Friend!

Alright, before I begin this entry let me clarify: I have a lot of different types of "best friends". For instance, Trizha is my soulmate (we have a lot of things in common and can talk about almost anything), Cha Bernardez is my BFF and well, the pet names go on and on (Mitch is my Kiki would take a little more explaining though, so let's save that for another time hahahaha).

But the label "Best Friend" goes to Marz. :)) This year, our friendship turns 10 years old--while we do periodically get on each others' nerves (like every month), we always make sure that we've got each others' backs. Marz has been there through almost every crush, every relationship, every happy moment and every "what the fuck am I doing with my life" moment. We haven't seen each other in almost two weeks (if I remember correctly) and it was very nice to get to catch up with her. :)

We had coffee at Bizu and talked about everything we haven't been present to witness these past few weeks--happiness, despair, quarter life crises and our hopes and dreams for the future. <33

Marz looking sharp in a suit

Beautiful Greenbelt lights

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