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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pretty Things

I cam across so many pretty things yesterday. :) Photos below.

1.) Lennon Shades from Mc Fly (found the receipt)

Last Friday, I went with my brother (Mike) to buy a USB for my sister-in-law, Ate Audrey. While he was in the shop asking for devices, I decided to go outside and look at the nearby stalls and sitting there, right on the corner in a somewhat neglected stall selling sunglasses were these lovely round-framed shades. 

I've been looking for Lennon shades for the longest, longest time and I am so glad that I was able to find these.

Kuya Mike Lennon-ing it up

Kuya Jo gave them a try as well
2.) Boho glass and wood beaded necklace

Yesterday, as we were hanging out in the gazebo area of the restaurant, I noticed that my brother was wearing a very nice necklace with different earth-toned beads mixed in with a couple of jewel-toned ones and turns out he bought the pendant in Tam-awan village in Baguio and had the rest of the necklace made/customized by Janice, Ate Audrey's cousin who is a fashion designer. [You guys can view her stuff here; I've also got a couple of necklaces that I bought from her 2 or 3 years ago and I'll probably wear them next week and put some pictures up as well.]

3.) Gold-rimmed Police Lennon Glasses

These are Keav's original Police Lennon sunnies and I must say, my shades lose to them. The detailing on the sides are beautiful and the lenses are more bulbous and the light doesn't reflect off of them as harshly. 

Gold, wing-details 
4.) Skull Ring from Price Tag

Okay, I know I already posted about this in yesterday's Outfit of the Day but I don't think I did it justice in that one photo. Here are a couple more photos of that beautiful, beautiful ring. Also, good news: it doesn't turn your finger green. Because I am pasmado (sweaty palms), most of the brass-coated type rings that I buy turn my fingers green and become sort of stripped-orange after a while but the rings I got from Price Tag have a very minimal amount of stripping/finger-greenness, I notice, which is definitely good news for me. :))

This little guy just seems to have so much character. :))

Hay. And that's it for now. <33

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