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Thursday, February 16, 2012


I get sad sometimes, during the day, when I'm sitting alone at a cafe and I see a couple holding hands or when I see things (yes, things--objects like cups, chairs) that look lonesome. So much of the time I think of Keavin and how I wish he was in Taft, eating lunch with me or I was in QC with him, having a smoke or sipping Pepsi and it can get very, very depressing sometimes. But it's best not to wallow. :) That is the circumstance given, so fucking challenge accepted you know? 

Anyway, here are a couple of things that I saw today that looked lonely.

1.) The arm chairs at Hollys.
How terrible must it be to perpetually stare at one another and never be able to touch? How must it feel to be physically incapable of embracing the other and functionally, be made to embrace everything else?

Hollys lonely armchairs, cannot hug :(

2.) Cups at place on Castro.
They look kinda like they want to kiss. :( Also, how sad would it be to have everyone drink from you but not be able to drink your lover? Sad.

3.) Trizha's yellow umbrella
I think this umbrella may have had quite a rough life. It's all bent and the handle is missing. So sad. Discarded and left on the floor, it was kicked around a lot. 

Looking at these objects made me sad, yes but to a certain extent they made me happy too. At least I can feel, if that makes sense. At least I am physically capable of bringing my arms around the one I love. <33


  1. At #1: One thing I will never forget from trigonometry class: Asymptotes.

    1. hahaha I know right. I'm learning a lot about Asymptotes in class, actually. :D Will explain to you sometime. Very interesting shit!


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