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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Acid Wash

Today is going to be one hectic son of a gun; I can tell. I just got back from getting vaccinated (it's flu season again!) and after lunch I'll be off to school for my Trig long test (wish me luck). Wahoo. Here we go, double and half identities! I'm going to kick your ass--in these awesome jeans. 

From the minute I laid my eyes on these pants (that were on sale) I knew I had to have them. The color, the fit--everything about these jeans is desirable to me. Acid wash is a tricky thing and when you see something so well-done, you just can't not get it. Especially when it's on sale. I also may have overworn this shirt, but whatevs.

top, tiangge | P100
jeans, Zara | P650
shoes, Shoebox | P899


  1. nice post...i love how the jeans + t shirt look nice combined's so chic and makes you look more younger, so youthful..

    margareta vania
    asian fashion beauty blogger

    drop your comment on my blog if you like ;) keep in touch..


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