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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Favorite Things | Mornings

I am definitely a morning person. I've gotten a lot of crap about this from my friends because every time we have a sleep over or go on an out of town trip, I'm always up and about and hyper while everyone is still rubbing sleep from their eyes. 

Mornings just feel so fresh. And in all honesty, I think there is a part of me that likes being alienated in that most people aren't up and about by 7:00 am. There is something serene about sipping a cup of coffee and reading a book at an empty dining table, while the house is still deep in slumber. (I just imagined a snoring house)

Today was a very nice morning. I woke (quite reluctantly, as I slept late last night) to Marz telling me to wake up because we had to take photos. One quick shower & a couple of outfits later, we were in the garden having fun with the camera. I took a couple of photos with Marz--I love what she's wearing today; they're launching MC Accessories tomorrow at the Ayala Westgrove Heights Sunday Market (which I'm still sad I won't get to go to because of a unfortunately scheduled business meeting) so she's really pumped for that.

And after, breakfast--Strawberry Strudel from SNR, biscotcho & coffee. Can't go wrong with that. :D Psyched for a productive day.



    Also my province is Pangasinan. Actually, it's my mother's province and we just happen to live in her ancestral home there.

    1. :)) You may have a chance to win them soon over at le store. Hahahaha

      And oh wow I was there last Holy Week! LE BEACH. <333333


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