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Thursday, March 1, 2012

More Pretty Things: Inspiration + Usamimi Headband Teaser

The other night, I had coffee with my very good friends Murphy and Gia and just loved what they were wearing! Murphy was wearing a kitty-print dress with the cutest heart cut out on the back--surprisingly enough, the dress was from SM! I love how these affordable department store outlets are really upping the ante on their fashion both quality-wise and aesthetically. I also loved Gia's striped sweater; the clean lines were beautiful!

Also, that night I decided to give the Usamimi headbands that Lula Bop's sent me--they're really cute and are meant to be worn like bunny ears (will do a full post on that next week), so I decided to experiment with them a little (with the help of Murph and Gia). Photos below! :D

Gia and her adorable sweater!

Murphy and her gorgeous dress!

Also, today I hung out at McDo with Carlos, Lorri and a whole lot of other people after my class. :) Turns out it was Sam's birthday! I loved Lorri's outfit--a very nice, flow-y yellow dress with a leather jacket and her Steve Madden boots that she got at a thrift store (I still covet those, Lorri hahaha). 


  1. I want the dress with the heart shape at the back.


    1. I want it too! AHHH SO PRETTY @_@

      And my god what are you talking about???? You're so pretty and I loved everything you were wearing yesterday! hahahahaha :D :D :D [Mutual Admiration society? Hahaha]


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