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Friday, March 2, 2012

EM Non-launch Buyers!

Hi, guys. :) To those who aren't going to be able to make it tonight--'tis a shame indeed and we wish you guys could be there. The good news, however is that we're still going to be selling copies even after the launch.

Thank you to the people who've reserved. If you want a copy (being sold non-launch price at P220.00) just leave me a message on Facebook or on this blog. :) I'll be updating the list of people reserved daily, so please just check whether your name is on there or not. You can also reach me via mobile at 0916-382-15-39. For the people at Taft, I'll be delivering your orders this Monday or Thursday depending on when you reserve. If you reserve by this weekend, then I can definitely get it to you Monday. :D Thanks!

Current Reservation List:

1.) Blanche Rayca (is that your real last name? just saw on Facebook). 
2.) Ina Tuason
3.) Joy Vidad
4.) Christopher Sum
5.) Luigi Shirvani
6.) Marz Llave
7.) Angie Pablo

Thank you for supporting us!


If you want to share your thoughts, go ahead. :) Anonymous commenting enabled. Just click "comment as" below to leave your details (no Blogger account needed :D) & as soon as I read your comment, it'll be up and running. Thanks for dropping by!