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Sunday, March 18, 2012

E. Rodriguez, we meet again!

Yesterday was another day well spent--for the most part. I went to QC yesterday to hang out with Keav and friends--Eman & JC (as well as Alain, who I never seem to be able to meet although we saw him for a teensie bit yesterday). 

Very funny because Keav had a meeting until 5:30 so JC babysat me for most of the afternoon. (Thank you, good vibes!) While waiting for Keav, we sat on the steps of this abandoned building thing outside their school, drinking pop from the plastic and smoking a little. 

After Keav arrived at around 5:30 we went up to the garden area of JC's condo building--such a beautiful view. Amidst eating, singing along to old songs and making the weirdest jokes, I managed to take photos of the view up there. There was also this cute old guy who was exercising and who looked like he was going to jump into the sun. (You'll see it below)

After a bit, Eman, Keav & I headed over to Keav's place and then we set off to go to the Valdes residence--unfortunately, the traffic was deadly in EDSA and we ended up reaching Pasay Rtd. past 10. After full jeep after full jeep after snobby cab after snobby cab and then me tripping and falling on the street, part from clumsiness, part due to exhaustion, we decided to just go home. Keav stayed over since there was no way that he could get to San Juan.

:) Enjoy the photos! I must now go down to the guest room and wake said Keavin.

There was a fire

Geez, what good-looking guys. HAHAHAHA

Close-up of the fire

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