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Monday, March 12, 2012

Brightside Entry 29: I Like What You Wrote

Today's entry is going to be short. :) This day is a very busy one and it's nowhere near finished so I was feeling very tired after my Chemistry class this afternoon (especially since the test results were given out and we were given another of Dr. P's legendary lectures about how we aren't using our brains--which although it may be true, is never very nice to hear). I was walking down Agno, heading to Animo Labandero where I am having the things for the sale tomorrow laundered when Ivan, this guy I know from Malate (and Ron, mostly) calls out to me.

Because he is a very pleasant guy, I expected Ivan to do his usual thing: say hi + *insert comment about outfit/hair here* ("Hey, Wina. Nice shirt."). But today, I was surprised when he said, "I just read your piece--'Fuck Geography'. I really liked it." :D That made my day.

It's seldom for me to hear feedback from people who've read the things I wrote who aren't my close friends--more so people who aren't commenting on the work as something "in the works" but as the actual, finished product and so it really meant a lot to me that it was able to reach out to at least one person (aside from the person being addressed by the short narrative, of course).

I spend most of my time doubting whether or not I make sense to the world outside my head (I think this blog may be another manifestation of that) and it's nice to hear that you are sometimes. :) So yay! Thank you, Ivan! (Although I doubt that you're reading this, because I'm not sure we're friends on Facebook) I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

*Short plug: I'm still selling copies of EM, which features "Fuck Geography" by the way so if you guys are interested, leave me a comment or send me a message through Facebook. :) Also, to those who reserved: please, please get them from me within the week!

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