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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trying to Stay Awake: The Drawbacks of Finishing Work Early

Today is a pretty slow afternoon at work. My brother/boss is off at a meeting with my Dad (bossboss) and they've been there all day, starting 10 am. Because of this, the presentation that I worked on that I was supposed to show to my brother is rotting away on my desktop as I struggle to stay awake, having nothing to do. Doesn't quite help that our office spaces are open; there are no cubicles--it's so embarrassing to fall asleep.

Part of the trouble with me is that I like getting work done early so that I can blog or read other blogs that I follow but I think being done at 10 am when your job entails you to remain in the office until 5:30 might be too much. I should've distributed the work I had to do throughout the day. Why, Wina, why? Ah, well. Better early than late, I suppose.

Currently having a cup of coffee to keep me awake. Hopefully this'll work (it seems to be working) because the last 711 GULP and Alo Green Tea drinks didn't quite seem to do the trick. Whether or not it works though, I think I'll be staying at my desk. The 711 guard has taken to calling me Ms. Ganda and while I am (sort of?) flattered (or feel I should be), I sadly don't quite feel the same way about him. Hahaha

Took some photos of the things I've been doing to stay awake in order to keep myself busy.

Taking a piss didn't take enough time

50-peso cappuccino from 711

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