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Friday, February 17, 2012

Time to Pack!

What to bring, what to bring, what to bring! Aside from toiletries, here a couple of things I think'll come in handy by the ocean: denim shorts, sheer/breezy vest, swimsuit (black and white tropical flower print), baggy gray cotton pants, long-sleeved sweatshirt (in case it rains), pair of Toms (not in the photos), and my favorite shades--black cat-eyes and psychedelic wayfarers. :D Also, a couple of books--given, they aren't the cheeriest volumes ever (The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood and David Foster Wallace's collection of short stories, Oblivion) but hey!

Leaving at 5:00 in the morning tomorrow so I'm assuming I won't get to do an Outfit of the Day tomorrow. Also, won't be updating until Sunday. Have a good weekend everyone! :)

Tomorrow's outfit of the day, most likely

Le clothing + shades

Can't live without that--electronics, electronics [phone + camera charger]

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