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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Outfit of the Day: Startrek Spotted

Office again today. Life can get very boring very fast over here, at the desk of shiny, varnished wood (I was going to say doom, but doom seems like it should involve more excitement than this) so I decided to wear something a little funkier than usual today. I bought these animal-print tights two weeks ago and today I decided to wear them with denim shorts, a black Star Trek shirt than I cut into an off-the-shoulder silhouette and plain black flats. :D

Given, my brother told me off as soon as I got to the office (which is funny because that's when obviously, I couldn't do anything about it anymore)--don't wear things like that in the office, they're distracting. My god. Says the man who insists on keeping a strand of his hair long because he thinks it makes him look like a Jedi. Tsk.

Have a good day!


  1. "Says the man who insists on keeping a strand of his hair long because he thinks it makes him look like a Jedi."

    LOL your brother sounds pretty badass xD

    1. He's...okay. HAHAHAHA I kid, I kid. :)) I suppose he's pretty bad ass(ish). Ah, the reluctance.

      He sings/plays in a band, if you're interested:



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