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Friday, February 17, 2012

Brightside Entry 9: The few times you win at life.

I think about more than half of the times that I've ever felt hopeful as in truly "in my gut, I want this to happen", I've been let down. And so whenever the occasion calls for me to hold my breath, I always deny that I'm secretly hopeful just so I can deal with the disappointment, minus humiliation from everyone else knowing I didn't get what I want.

And today, I was truly, truly excited for a sort of nature retreat I'm going on tomorrow but was nervous because I'd heard no confirmation from the people who were hosting it. And this afternoon, I was sure--almost surer than sure that it was a no go because you know how those things get--if someone doesn't text at least the day before, everyone'll assume it's a no-go.

But guess what?

It is a go! So excited. I definitely need some fun in the sun and road-tripping. Will do a post on what I'm taking with me tonight, as I pack my bag (only staying over night). I don't think I've ever felt so glad to pack in my whole life.

As for now, work's let out! TGIF indeed!

Much love!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks bebe grrr. :D photos + kwento when I get back. LOVE YOU!

  2. Aaaawww. I envy. Nature retreat! Has oodles of fun yo!


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