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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Brightside Entry 12: Comfortable Silences

I was supposed to post this up last night, but I completely blacked out when I got home (which was around 11 pm) last night. So instead, I'm posting this up today.

Last night, I had dinner with Ron and Trizha at the old Value Foods (which is actually just Value Foods because the "new" Value Foods is called Yum Cha hahaha). It was a nice, quiet but fun dinner. Value Foods was almost empty (because we had dinner at closing time, around 9:30).

The thing I liked the most about dinner last night was listening to the sounds people made while eating--the chewing noises, the sound utensils made against the plates, the crackle of dumplings as they were bitten into. Comfortable no-speaking eating--I know the title of this entry says "silence" but I don't think it was silence or the absence of noise,just the absence of speaking. Also, Ron treated us (thank you, Ron!) which was very sweet of him. :) Plus, the food was delicious! GYOZA GYOZA GYOZA!!!

After dinner, we bought smokes and hung out in Agno for a bit--such a relief that you can smoke on the bench again.

The night ended with Trizh and I gettting on a bus and heading home (Ron walks home), talking about friendship and empathy and how nice and unexpected finding those two can be.

Value foods placemat

Ron and Trizh

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