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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Games, Changes and Fears

Early this morning, I was sitting half-passed out in the front seat of our car, waiting for my brothers to finish drinking when I had a very sober thought: do we live our lives according to fear?

The thing is, a lot of the things we do or don't do seem to be motivated by fear. And that scares me.

"Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know why."

God, I'd better get my period soon because being volatile and startlingly emotional just doesn't suit me. The more you have, the more you are scared to lose. Grahhh. Cannot articulate self.


  1. I never really pondered over this until I read your post. That's when I realised that our lives are indeed greatly influenced by fear.

    Exhibit A: We work hard because we're afraid of failing grades and losing our jobs.

    Exhibit B: Secretly, we all fear losing our friends which is why we do all we can for them.

    It doesn't scare me as much as it annoys me, though. After all, why does it have to be this way? They say an effective story has characters that make you worry, so is "God" (or who/whatever he is) doing this to be considered a good writer?

    I pity all of us sometimes.

    Oh, and to introduce myself, I'll just tell you that I'm 'Eowyn' since it keeps my anonymity whilst giving you a clue of who I am IRL. If you want to follow me back, my blog is at (:

  2. Hi! Thanks for following me, I'll follow you back. :) And yay, a fellow LOTR fan. Hahahaha But yeah, I agree with everything you said minus the pity part. I think we're beautiful. Hahaha


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